1. Nude Yoga (Noga)

Noga has gained popularity over the last decade and the practice can be found in many large cities, including New York City and Los Angeles. You can try naked yoga at the Bold & Naked studio in New York City and the Naked Yoga studio in Los Angeles.

2. Goat Yoga

You can head to Morse’s website to find all goat yoga class locations. RELATED: Yoga May Ease Tough Depression

3. Yoga Raves

The party begins with a quick yoga session and guided meditation to warm up the body. After this, participants are encouraged to dance to music and perhaps dabble in the alcohol-free drinks and gourmet vegetarian food provided at the bar. At the end of the night, there is another guided meditation to calm the body down. Over the course of four hours, you will have practiced, danced, and eaten your way through the night. You can find a Yoga Rave in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, or Philadelphia by heading to the Yoga Rave website.

4. Cannabis Yoga

Dee Dussault, a yoga instructor in San Francisco, offers classes in yoga (both with or without cannabis), tantra (a type of yoga designed to help you explore your sexuality), sex coaching, and ganja yoga. In February 2018, she told CBS News that combining weed and yoga helps to “loosen your muscles, and lower inhibitions so you’re more likely to try different moves.” The classes open with a sort of “cocktail hour” of different weed products which participants can sample, while hanging out and breaking the ice. Following the opening session is an hour of yoga with brief smoke breaks. Similar classes are being offered in a range of states, such as Colorado, Massachusetts, and Washington, DC. You can try Dee’s cannabis yoga class in San Francisco and Oakland, California. RELATED: 5 Quick Stress-Reducing Yoga Moves

5. Dog Yoga (Doga)

Doga classes are offered in London and by Anna Farkis in New York City.

6. Tantrum Yoga

You can take a tantrum yoga class by Hemalayaa by checking her events page on her website. RELATED: 11 Unexpected Health Benefits of Yoga

7. Aerial Yoga

Try a class at Om Factory in New York City, Aerial Artique in San Francisco, or Up Flying Yoga in Los Angeles.

8. Broga Yoga

Adam O’Neill, cofounder and president of Broga Yoga, believes the concept came out of necessity. Growing up, his mother was a yoga teacher and encouraged him to include it in his sports training. Considering it an activity mainly for women, he refused. Until, that is, he developed sciatica and found that a lot of his physical therapy included poses that resembled yoga. Now, he isn’t just comfortable getting into warrior II, he’s ready to share yoga with the rest of the male population. You can locate all broga classes by checking the Broga Yoga website. RELATED: 9 Best Yoga Mats to Help Your Downward Dog

9. Acroyoga

You can locate all acroyoga classes nationwide by checking the Acroyoga International website. Additional reporting by Katie Robinson