According to the International Hyperhidrosis Society (IHS), hyperhidrosis can be separated into two categories: primary, or excessive sweating, which is not caused by medication or another health condition, and secondary. “Secondary hyperhidrosis is caused by an underlying medical condition — such as thyroid disease, pregnancy, alcoholism, tuberculosis, or heart disease,” explains Bruce Robinson, MD, FAAD, an adult and pediatric dermatologist in New York City who is also a clinical professor of dermatology at Lenox Hill Hospital and a national spokesperson for the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD). Secondary hyperhidrosis can also be caused by taking certain medications such as antidepressants, hormone therapy, and diabetes treatments.

Treating Secondary Hyperhidrosis

If you’re waking up at night with sweat-drenched clothes and sheets, it’s important to see a primary care physician or internist. Although nighttime sweats can be caused by many things, the good news is that secondary hyperhidrosis tends to be easier to treat than the primary type, because there’s a root cause. “By treating the underlying condition, the secondary hyperhidrosis improves,” explains Dr. Robinson.

Daytime Tips to Cut Down on Nighttime Sweats

In addition to working with your doctor to identify the culprit behind your nighttime sweats, there are some steps you can take during the day to help you stay dry at night.

Avoid spicy foods. “The most common reason people sweat when they eat involves spicy foods like peppers,” says Robinson. “Peppers have a chemical called capsaicin that triggers the nerves that make your body feel warmer, so you sweat to cool it back down.”Manage stress during the day. When you feel highly stressed, your body can start to sweat, which is known as “stress sweat.” Too much daytime stress can affect you at night, as well. According to the American Psychological Association, research-backed ways to manage stress include meditation, social support, and exercise.Just don’t exercise too late in the day. An evening workout can raise your body temperature, similar to the effects of a warm bath, according to the National Sleep Foundation (NSF). Try working out earlier in the day so your body has plenty of time to cool off. Bonus: Daytime exercise can help you get better, deeper sleep at night.Banish the booze. Drinking alcohol may seem like a relaxing evening activity, but it can interfere with sleep and cause you to sweat at night. “Alcohol enlarges the blood vessels near the surface of your skin, which leads to sweating,” Robinson says. For people who drink excessively and decide to quit, they may experience excessive sweat initially, but this usually stops after a brief period.If you smoke, consider quitting. Smoking is harmful to your body in many ways, and it can even cause excessive sweat. “When you smoke, the nicotine releases acetylcholine, a chemical that leads to sweaty episodes,” explains Robinson. “Smoking also raises your body temperature, which contributes to sweating as well.” As with alcohol, some people may sweat when they first quit, but that sweating usually comes to an end.

Bedtime Tips to Stay Dry Throughout the Night

In the evenings, set yourself up for a good night’s sleep where you’ll be comfortable and cool.

Choose your bedding wisely. Thick sheets may seem cozy, but they can contribute to nighttime sweating, even during the winter months. You can even purchase moisture-wicking sheets designed specifically to help minimize nighttime sweating, according to the IHS. Using layers of sheets and blankets can help you easily remove or add warmth during the night.Go for cooling PJs and pillows. Look for moisture-wicking or quick-drying pajamas to wear as well. Skip nightwear that’s made from synthetic materials, which aren’t as breathable. “Choose thin cotton clothing to sleep in,” suggests Robinson. Also consider keeping an ice pack under your pillow and alternate sleeping on the “cool” side throughout the night.Mind the temperature in the bedroom. It’s a given that a too-hot room can cause you to sweat more at night, so don’t be shy about cranking the air-conditioner. “Set air-conditioning on a lower temperature, and keep a fan by your bedside,” says Robinson. According to the NSF, the optimal bedroom temperature for sleep is between 60 to 67 degrees, but you may need to experiment to find the right temperature for you.Have some cooling props in arm’s reach. Try freezing a wet washcloth and then using that as a compress on your forehead. A packet of frozen veggies works in a pinch as a way to cool your head, neck, and shoulders. A glass of water by your bed can also provide quick relief.Take a cool shower. Taking a cool shower and leaving your hair wet before heading to bed can help you relax and cool your body down, according to the NSF. If you wake up drenched in sweat, consider getting up to take a cool shower and changing your bedsheets.

Nighttime sweats aren’t fun, but identifying the root cause and making strategic decisions each day and night can help you find relief and get a better night’s sleep.