After all, people with type 2 diabetes are roughly 10 times more likely to experience fatigue compared with those without the chronic condition, according to a study on adults with the condition. “Glucose is a major source of energy for all cells in our body, especially the brain,” explains Deena Adimoolam, MD, an endocrinologist at Mount Sinai in New York City and a spokesperson for the Endocrine Society. “With type 2 diabetes, though, glucose levels are high and the glucose is unable to enter the cells, meaning the cells have less energy overall to function. As a result, one experiences generalized fatigue.” To make matters worse, both excessively high and low blood sugar levels can further spur fatigue, she says. Meanwhile, many people with type 2 diabetes also have coexisting conditions such as heart disease, kidney damage, and dehydration; these can further increase fatigue, according to Adimoolam. Many medications for hypertension are known to cause fatigue. RELATED: What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes Talk to your doctor. First things first: Evaluate your blood sugar levels and work with your primary care doctor or endocrinologist to get them into healthy ranges, if they aren’t already. If your blood sugar is in a healthy range, however, it’s important to work with your doctor to figure out exactly what’s going on for you, Adimoolam says. When talking to your doctor about how you feel, don’t just say, “I’m tired all the time.” Tell your doctor, ‘I’m too tired to go for a walk or go grocery shopping,’” says Cynthia Fritschi, PhD, CDCES, an associate professor of biobehavioral nursing science at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Let your doctor know that exhaustion is preventing you from doing activities that are important to keeping you healthy. Try keeping a journal to track your symptoms: How many times do you get up at night to go to the bathroom? Are you skipping meals because you’re too tired to stand and prepare them? Take detailed notes on your daily habits and use your journal to talk to your doctor or diabetes educator about concerns that make living with type 2 diabetes harder for you, she says. RELATED: Do You Have Type 2 Diabetes Burnout? Be as active as possible. “One of the key strategies for taking care of diabetes is exercise, yet people with diabetes can be too tired to exercise," Fritschi says. Fortunately, you don’t have to perform intense workouts to enjoy an energy and mood boost from exercise: Any form of regular physical activity, regardless of exercise limitations, reduces stress, according to a study published in June 2018 in the Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation. Set small, achievable activity goals, such as taking a daily walk or stretching, and increase your movement goals as you feel able. Care for your mental health. Managing diabetes is a 24/7 commitment. That alone can cause you to feel anxious, stressed, or depressed. And, in turn, depression can lead to fatigue and a lack of energy, Fritschi says. According to a study of 90,686 people published in the February-March 2016 issue of the journal Psychosomatic Medicine, people with diabetes are 2 to 3 times more likely to experience depression compared with people without the condition. If you feel burdened and depressed by diabetes, consider getting professional help. A therapist who is trained in treating depression can help you improve your mental health. Ask your doctor or diabetes educator for a recommendation. Connect with your peers. Talking with others affected by diabetes can also provide some relief. Discussing day-to-day challenges, worries, and emotions with peers who have experienced similar situations can help you manage stress and brainstorm coping strategies, suggests the American Diabetes Association. Ask your diabetes educator about local support groups or become a member of an diabetes online community for virtual conversation. RELATED: The Best Diabetes Apps of the Year Aim for quality sleep. As many as half of all people with diabetes may have trouble sleeping, Fritschi says. Stress, anxiety, and depression can all contribute to insomnia, while frequently having to wake up in the night to urinate can also worsen overall sleep quality. If you’re not sleeping well at night, you’re going to be tired during the day. Modifying your evening routine and sleep environment can help you get more rest, she says. Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends; keep your bedroom cool and dark; and turn off electronics (the computer and the TV) before going to bed, recommends the National Sleep Foundation. If you are concerned you may have a sleep disorder, speak with your doctor about evaluating your sleep. For more on reducing diabetes-related fatigue, check out Diabetes Daily’s article “Sleeping Better With Type 2 Diabetes.”