Research shows otherwise: according to a study published in February 2014 in the BMJ, people who quit smoking actually experience a drop in anxiety, stress, and depression compared with those who continue to light up. Indeed, the researchers say that the effects of this mood boost are equal to (or higher than) what a person would see if they took an antidepressant. Still, the idea of kicking the habit for good may seem daunting — especially because nicotine withdrawal can trigger symptoms of irritability and anxiety, too. In that case, you’ll need to find other, healthier ways to cope with stress. Here are some ways to do just that.

1. Recruit Help From a Support System

Finding help from other people — in the form of counseling, a formal smoking cessation program, or a text or telephone “quitline” — can often help a person deal with the stress and anxiety, says Douglas Jorenby, PhD, the director of clinical services at the University of Wisconsin Center for Tobacco Research and Intervention in Madison. You can also talk to your doctor about whether you should take a prescription medication or use nicotine replacement therapy to help ward off the anxious feelings during the period of nicotine withdrawal.

2. Learn to Recognize the Warning Signs of Stress

Stress is sometimes defined as a bodily reaction to sudden changes in the environment. Trying to quit smoking is a major change, and it’s stressful for almost everyone. Of course, people handle stress differently — what is stressful for you may not be stressful for your sibling or neighbor, for example. Unfortunately, when you quit smoking, your stress level increases at the very time when you’re giving up one of your ways of coping: your cigarettes. When this happens, you may experience physical stress from nicotine withdrawal, including:

Muscle tensionNeck aches and backachesUpset stomachHeadachesConstipation or diarrheaShortness of breath

Some people also experience insomnia, anxiety, depression, irritability, and fatigue. Learn to recognize your signs of withdrawal, and make sure your friends and family are aware that you’re experiencing these feelings. If they know what you’re going through, they’ll be more likely to overlook your temporary irritability. RELATED: How to Help Someone Kick a Nicotine Addiction

3. Adopt Healthier Stress-Relieving Habits

Some stressful situations can be sidestepped, but others are inescapable. What’s most important is how you tackle them. Here are some techniques that can help you cope with the stress.

Reach out to someone. A trained counselor, supportive friend, support group, or family member may be able to offer you a fresh perspective on a stressful situation.

Practice deep breathing. Meditation, yoga, or other relaxation exercises can help you cope with a tough situation. (Using a mindfulness app can also help counter stress.) Experiment with different methods, then stick to the ones that work best for you.

Get more exercise. Working out relieves tension and can help improve your mood. Try to find a form of exercise that you enjoy and make it part of your daily routine.

Shore up your diet. Eat regular meals, and limit caffeine and alcohol.

Get quality shut-eye. Aim for seven to nine hours of sleep every night.

Think positive thoughts. Negativity and stress go hand in hand, so make an effort to look for the silver linings.

Don’t overload yourself with responsibilities. Set limits with others and don’t take on more work than you can handle. This is especially important during the first month or so after you quit smoking.

Prioritize what’s important. Focus on what needs to be done and learn to let other things go, at least temporarily.

The bottom line: The longer you go without smoking, the happier — and yes, more relaxed — you’ll be. Additional Reporting by Andrea Peirce