Then there are that which are difficult to describe. Cognitive fog (or cog fog) is one of those. There is no irony intended when I say that this cognitive disorder is difficult to describe, even though the fog can make finding any words — not just those to explain what we’re experiencing — a tough go.

So Many Variations, It’s Hard to Describe

Then there are those MS symptoms — I’m thinking of spasticity here — that should be easy to explain, but due to the range of presentations they can have, it’s like trying to describe what the north and south poles of the earth are: two wholly different places but both the ends of the earth. One of those “north and south” differences is that “flexor spasticity” can tighten the muscles in a way that makes it difficult or impossible to straighten the limbs, while “extensor spasticity” stiffens muscles in a way that makes limbs unbendable. Even though they are the exact opposite effect, they are the same symptom. And if that wasn’t enough, the same symptom that painfully causes muscles and limbs to be immobile due to sustained muscle contractions can also make our limbs move and jump suddenly and uncontrollably. Talk about “One pill makes you larger.And one pill makes you small.” But it’s the same pill in this case.

The MS Hug: Yep, It’s Spasticity!

It’s not just limbs and joints that can be affected by MS spasticity: The low back and even abdominal muscles can be painful reminders that this is an equal opportunity symptom. In fact, many will know of the “MS hug,” which is a feeling of squeezing or constriction around the chest or abdomen. The MS hug is caused by spasms in the muscles surrounding the rib cage and is a form of MS-related muscle spasticity. How’s that for another “should be easy to describe but isn’t” MS symptom? “It’s like a hug, but it’s not. Not any hug you’d want, anyway … ”

Ironically, Spasticity Can Have Its Benefits

And then there is this quote from the National MS Society’s website: “Some degree of spasticity can provide benefit, particularly for people who experience significant leg weakness. The spasticity gives their legs some rigidity, making it easier for them to stand, transfer, or walk.” Nothing like something that causes pain and immobility but can also make weak legs stronger at the same time. Seriously, it’s one of those MS symptoms you couldn’t make up for a Hollywood film. No one would believe you. Well, unless they saw spasticity in action. A leg “locked” in position — either flexed or extended — by spasticity or a sudden, uncontrollable jerking of arms and hands is sure to get us noticed in a crowd. It’s one of the few marks of MS that will stop those “but you look so good” comments from being uttered.

It’s the Same but Different

Spasticity can lock our bent limbs and stiffen them rigid. It can make weak legs “useable” and send water glasses across a room or toothbrushes into our ears. It can squeeze us so tight that even breathing is difficult … and it’s all the same thing. The south pole has penguins and the north pole has no land. Same thing, only different. Wishing you and your family the best of health. Cheers, Trevis