While at one time considered exotic, mango fruit is now available in most supermarkets and is a common ingredient in many dishes, owing to its popular flavor and versatility — it’s delicious sliced, chopped, pureed, juiced, and even roasted. Here is everything you need to know about mangoes, including their nutrition content and health benefits, plus more ways to enjoy eating them.

Bolstered immunity “Mangoes are high in immune-boosting vitamin C,” says Nicole Stefanow, RDN, a culinary registered dietitian in the greater New York City area. A 1 cup serving provides two-thirds of the vitamin C you need in a day.Vitamin C plays an important role in the body’s healing process, and helps your body form blood vessels, cartilage, muscle, and collagen in bones, according to the Mayo Clinic.Protection from free radical damage Free radicals are compounds that are associated with many chronic diseases and aging in general. High levels of antioxidants, including beta-carotene and vitamin C, in mangoes help safeguard cells from free radical damage.They’re also a source of phytochemicals, which are plant-based compounds known for their health-promoting properties. Specific phytochemicals in mangoes, including phenolic acids, mangiferin, carotenoids, and gallotannins, have been linked to anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, anti-obesity, and anti-cancer effects.Improved digestive health One cup of mango contains around 3 g of fiber, which is roughly 10 percent of what you need in a day.Dietary fiber has long been recognized as crucial to digestive health. Additionally, mangoes specifically were found to significantly improve constipation, including stool frequency and consistency, according to a study published in Molecular Nutrition & Food Research. In the study, mango was more effective than a supplement that provided the same amount of fiber (300 grams). One possible reason, according to the study authors: Consuming mangoes may increase the healthy fatty acids and gastric secretions that aid digestion.Cancer prevention Research has found that carotenoid-containing fruits and vegetables, which include mangoes, may help reduce the risk of colon cancer.Also, early research indicates that micronutrients in mangoes may help shrink breast cancer cells. Results of a study done on mice, published in Nutrition Research, found that dietary mango decreased tumor size and suppressed cancer growth factors. (Of course, more research is needed in humans.)Better sleep Mango contains vitamin B6, “which is responsible for producing serotonin, a chemical that helps with sleep and regulates our mood,” says Laura M. Ali, RDN, a culinary registered dietitian based in Pittsburgh. Three-quarters of a cup of mango typically provides 8 percent of your daily B6 needs.Sharper vision Mangoes contain the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin as well as vitamin A, all of which help protect our eyes and reduce the risk of macular degeneration, Ali says.While additional research is needed to determine the exact link between zeaxanthin and age-related macular degeneration, this specific antioxidant “may increase the concentration of macular pigment, thus building healthier eyes,” according to the American Macular Degeneration Foundation.Help with inflammatory diseases Many nutrients in mangoes, including antioxidants and vitamin C, have anti-inflammatory effects, says Ali. She notes that people with arthritis and other inflammatory conditions may benefit from mango consumption.Smoother skin. Post-menopausal women who ate a half cup of Ataulfo mangoes (sometimes called “champagne mangoes”) four times a week saw a 23 percent decline in deep wrinkles after two months, according to a study published in the journal Nutrients in 2020 (the study was supported by the Mango Board and conducted by researchers at the University of California in Davis). Study participants saw a 20 percent decrease after four months.More research is needed in this area.Improved cardiovascular and gut health. Eating two cups of mangoes a day benefited systolic blood pressure among healthy post-menopausal women, according to findings presented at the American Society for Nutrition 2018 meeting. This is likely because of the polyphenols (such as mangiferin, quercetin, gallotannins, and gallic acid) that the fruit contains, the study authors theorized.

Clearly, mangoes can be part of a balanced diet and help you maintain good health. But they’re not a cure-all and won’t magically fix or prevent disease, and they can’t make up for an otherwise unhealthy diet.

It’s also important to consider portion size. A serving is roughly half of a mango, so if you stick to that amount, you will be able to better keep sugar and calories in check. RELATED: Why Is Fiber Important for Your Digestive Health? Choose mangoes that have a nice balance between firmness and softness, Allen says. Ripe mangoes look more yellow and reddish; if you buy ripe ones, put them in the refrigerator. If you choose unripe ones, leave them at room temperature. To extend the shelf life of ripe mangoes, consider freezing them, she suggests. Dice some up and put them in a ziplock bag, and you’ll have a supply at the ready when you’re making smoothies. Slicing the fruit can be difficult, Stefanow says. That’s because of the wide, flat pit in the middle. “You’ll want to use the pit as a guide to slide your knife across the fruit,” she suggests. There are online tutorials that show how to slice mangoes properly. Stefanow suggests a tropical fruit salad: Mix diced mangoes, pineapples, and kiwis with lemon and lime juice, and top with grated ginger. You can also toss the fruit into your favorite salad or pair it with peppers in a traditional mango chicken dish. Sauté diced chicken with bell peppers, soy sauce, ginger, and garlic, and stir in diced mango, Stefanow recommends. Like many other fruits, mango also makes a tasty (and nutritious) dessert. Try preparing mango sorbet or pudding, for example. Blend your mango into a smoothie, or enjoy it raw, grilled, or as a sauce or dressing. The fruit is versatile and can be used in many recipes.

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