In theory, self-care should help you feel better, but there may be times when it can also feel like an obligation added to your already full plate. Here’s what to know about how to boost your emotional, mental, and physical health when living with RA and what you can do to boost your self-care routine if it starts to feel less helpful and more like a chore.

The Basics of Rheumatoid Arthritis Self-Care

Self-care strategies can make a big difference not only in your overall health, but also in slowing the progression of RA, according to the Arthritis Foundation. “Self-care is critical for people who have RA,” adds Orrin Troum, MD, a rheumatologist at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, California. For starters, that includes following healthy lifestyle habits for RA, including:

Eating a healthy dietGetting enough sleepManaging stressStaying active

Ways to Freshen Up Your Rheumatoid Arthritis Self-Care

Even though self-care is good for you, it’s also possible to start feeling burned out by it. Consider revamping your self-care routine with these tips:

1. Try a new low-impact activity.

“Exercise is crucial to make sure the muscles stay strong and healthy, as people with inflammatory arthritis may want to be more sedentary because their joints hurt,” Dr. Troum says. Low-impact exercises, such as walking, swimming, and biking, can help you stay active without aggravating your joints. If there’s a type of exercise or class you haven’t tried and are curious about, give it a go. Several years ago, Kathy Giegrich, 62, found herself struggling with her weight. Her doctor told her that in addition to RA, she had high blood pressure and was borderline diabetic. Giegrich knew she couldn’t do high-impact exercise and decided to join the newly opened Pure Barre studio in her hometown of Bridgewater, New Jersey. “I didn’t want to go into a gym atmosphere, where I knew that I was doomed,” she says. “It’s not high impact; it’s small movements. It was something I knew that I could learn to do,” Giegrich says. Giegrich fell in love with the barre class and now goes 5 days a week. She hasn’t needed a cortisone shot for RA in a few years — and lost 70 pounds. She also credits the sense of camaraderie at the studio with motivating her to stick with it. “There is a community of women where you go into one of these classes, and you know that everybody is cheering for you.”

2. Experiment with different styles of meditation.

If you haven’t given meditation a try, now’s the time. “Mindfulness meditation can be extraordinarily helpful to people with RA,” says Troum. Mindfulness meditation, or mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), is a form of meditation created by Jon Kabat-Zinn, PhD, a former director of the Center for Mindfulness at the University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School in Worcester. In seminal research, Dr. Kabat-Zinn found that people with chronic pain reported improvements in symptoms and quality of life after completing an MBSR program, and these improvements had been sustained in a 3-year follow-up. Many styles of meditation exist, so if one doesn’t resonate with you, try a different approach. Other styles include:

Guided imagery, or the practice of visualizing positive, peaceful settingsProgressive muscle relaxation, or the practice of tensing and releasing muscle groups in the bodyMantra meditation, or the practice of repeating phrases with intention — for example, to help promote focusLoving-kindness meditation, or the use of mantras to send positive vibes to othersMoving meditation, or the practice of focusing on intentional movements (vs. meditating while sitting still)

Using a smartphone meditation app can be an easy way to get started with any style.

3. Do something fun that’s just for you.

Think about what would really help you feel refreshed and recharged, and then put a plan into action. That might include ideas like:

Taking a mental health day from work or schoolUnplugging from social mediaVisiting a new parkBooking a night in a nice hotelVisiting a saunaTaking a painting class

4. Explore different types of RA support.

Living with RA can be frustrating, especially when other people your age aren’t living with chronic arthritis. That’s why support from others who have RA matters. “It’s important not to keep all this in and think, Why did this happen to me? Why am I 22 years old and I have arthritis?" says Troum. Ask your doctor about in-person support groups in your area. If you prefer virtual support, check out the Arthritis Foundation’s Live Yes! online community.

5. Respect your body: Work with it, not against it.

While you may be tempted to push yourself physically to keep up with others, Giegrich says this strategy can backfire when you have RA. “You have to listen to your body and say, ‘Maybe today I’m not going to conquer the world, but I am going to go for a two-mile walk and then do some yoga just to stretch everything out,’ she says.

6. Keep in good contact with your rheumatologist.

If you’re struggling with RA symptoms and management, it’s important to tell your rheumatologist. This type of RA specialist can help you come up with strategies to help feel better. “Being able to discuss your feelings, being open about them, and having a good relationship with your healthcare provider is really critical,” Troum says.