You should consider taking a break from lifting weights as long as your bursitis is active and painful. After you heal you could gradually start weight lifting again, but there is no guarantee that the bursitis will not recur. Aside from (subacromial) bursitis, shoulder problems related to sports and trauma include bicipital tendonitis, rotator cuff tear, impingement syndrome, and acromioclavicular arthritis. You may want to consult a sports medicine specialist (usually an orthopedist or a rheumatologist) about lifting weights. They can suggest weight-lifting strategies that can protect your joints and the structures around them, like tendons and bursae. A qualified trainer or a physical therapist can be quite helpful, too. There are several modifications of the bench press, shoulder press, power clean, squat, and others that can be accomplished by varying the angle and distance of the arms, the position of the grips, by strengthening of leg muscles, and other parameters. These rehabilitative measures are best accessed in a sports medicine center with specialized personnel. You are probably aware that warm-up, stretching, and strengthening exercises are very important to prevent injuries. Certain injuries such as rotator cuff tear or shoulder impingement syndrome may occasionally need surgery. I hope this information helps you choose a reliable program to protect your shoulders and enjoy your sport. Q2. Halfway into my treadmill workouts, I feel a headache coming on that gets worse throughout the day. Is this a sign of something serious? Should I back off on the intensity? Your headaches may simply be a problem of dehydration. I would start by drinking more fluids before, during, and after your workouts. Plain water is fine, but flavored sports drinks and waters tend to encourage people to drink more, so these may be a better choice if plain water isn’t working for you. A common recommendation is to drink at least eight glasses (8 ounces each) of non-dehydrating fluids per day. During exercise, try to consume 16.9 to 33.8 ounces (or .5 to 1 liter) per hour. Also, consider reducing your caffeine intake. Caffeine is a diuretic (it increases the excretion of urine) and can lead to dehydration (as can alcohol). However, if the headaches continue to occur during your workouts, I strongly recommend that you see your doctor. While I do not know of any specific medical conditions associated with exercise-induced headaches, I think it would be prudent to bring this problem to your physician’s attention. Q3. I recently lost 85 pounds and foolishly did not do the resistance exercises that I was advised to do. Now I have the underarm wing span to match a flying squirrel! Is there any way, now, to tighten it up or get rid of it? — Roxanna, North Carolina First of all, you are being way too hard on yourself. Congratulations on having lost 85 pounds! This is a great achievement, and no amount of weight training would have prevented the excess skin on the underside of your arms. The ability of your skin to “snap back” after substantial weight loss is a function of age, gender, and genetics. Unfortunately for most people who have lost very large amounts of weight resulting in excess skin, typically the only answer is plastic surgery. If you’re truly bothered by your excess skin, consult with your doctor to determine if plastic surgery is an option for you. Q4. I’ve gotten really adept at strength training, and my gains have been steady. However, I’ve been neglecting cardio in favor of it. Am I really setting myself back by not running? I feel great without it. — Eli, Arkansas For optimal health, you really need to mix in some cardio. The goal should be 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity activity (walking, for example) or 75 minutes per week of vigorous activity (jogging). If you warm up with aerobic activity for 10 to 15 minutes before you lift weights, and then for 10 to 15 minutes afterward, it will go a long way toward helping you achieve the above goals. Q5. I know it’s important to do stretches before any fitness regimen. How long should my stretching routine take before I get into my workout? — Amy, Oregon There are no hard-and-fast rules for exactly how much stretching you should do, and it really depends on the type and intensity of the particular workout you’re doing. For a basic running, walking, or aerobic workout, 5 to 15 minutes should be enough. For a more vigorous workout, such as the various martial arts, 20 to 30 minutes or more may be necessary. Q6. I’m starting a weight training program after being out of the gym for more than 20 years. The trainer at the gym told me that I should stick to weight machines, at least to start. Do I really need to, and if so, why? — Brian, Pennsylvania You don’t need to stick to the weight machines if you don’t want to. You do need to appreciate, however, that you have been out of the gym for 20 years and you should understand that you can’t get back what you have lost during that time within a month or so of working out. To start, you need to get your body used to training again and rebuild your strength (and flexibility) so you can start really working hard. Whether you use free weights or machines, you need to begin slowly and build slowly. When you haven’t worked out for a long time, you need to focus on the long run and not worry about short-term gains. As we age, the saying “slow and steady wins the race” takes on more importance with each passing year. While weight machines do tend to be safer — most eliminate the possibility that you’ll accidentally drop the weight and help prevent you from lifting in a way that could pull or tear a muscle — you can still hurt yourself. When you exercise with free weights, use them with caution and work out with a partner who can spot you and stand at the ready to help you with a weight should it become too heavy for you to lift. I always recommend that people who have been out of the gym for a long period of time team up with a good, certified, and experienced personal trainer and have him or her develop an exercise program tailored to your unique needs and goals. Your trainer should show you how to lift weights properly and should recommend how many pounds and specific exercises or machines that will challenge your body without putting you in harm’s way. Q7. My 65-year-old father is an active runner, and he recently tore a muscle in his calf. He’s continued to run every day, even though he says it still hurts. Shouldn’t he lay off for a while? — Sandy, Wisconsin Many people attempt to keep running despite injuries, but if your father really did tear a muscle, he should stop running and see his primary care physician, who may refer him to an orthopedic surgeon. A torn muscle is serious medical issue, and if your father doesn’t get medical help, he could be disrupting the healing process and may be making the tear even worse if he continues to run. If a muscle tear did occur, he needs a treatment plan that is likely to include physical therapy. Learn more in the Everyday Health Fitness Center.