Dr. Stuart Seale: Studies have shown that stress increases cholesterol not only in the short-term but can also affect cholesterol levels even years down the road. The cause for this isn’t exactly known. Other studies have shown that stress itself isn’t really the only culprit but that how an individual reacts to and manages stress is also important. Those who manage stress in unhealthy ways (via hostility, social isolation, or self-blame, for example) tend to have lower levels of HDL (good) cholesterol. Dr. Lisa Matzer: Stress is known to increase cholesterol levels and in particular the bad LDL cholesterol. The amount of stress in your life isn’t as important as how you deal with it. The more anger and hostility that stress produces in you, the higher (and worse) your LDL and triglyceride levels tend to be. Stress encourages the body to produce more energy in the form of metabolic fuels, which cause the liver to produce and secrete more of the bad cholesterol, LDL. Also, stress may interfere with the body’s ability to clear lipids. Dr. Jacob DeLaRosa: One theory is that stress hormones’ function is to provide fuel for a potential fight-or-flight situation. But if this energy is not used, it gradually accumulates as fat tissue. In addition, sugars that are produced with stress are repeatedly left unused and are eventually converted into triglycerides or other fatty acids. Jeanette Bronée, CHHC, AADP: Stress not only increases inflammation in the body but also causes poor eating habits and poor food choices - all of which affect cholesterol levels. But cholesterol can also be regarded as a stress response from the body. Pamela Warren, MS, CHN: Staying calm and cool helps manage cholesterol. Here’s how: When you’re under mental stress, your body is preparing to protect you and assumes a primitive response, called the fight-or-flight response. During such a situation, the brain produces the hormones cortisol and adrenaline. The release of these hormones sends signals that increase blood flow to the brain and eventually produces more energy for the body. When cortisol and adrenaline are released, it raises your cholesterol level. Specifically, the release of cortisol raises blood-sugar levels for the body’s use as energy, as it locks away fat so it’s not used during this state as energy. Therefore, as cortisol is released, it raises the body’s blood-glucose level, which in turn creates more triglyceride production. Higher triglycerides create higher cholesterol levels. Keeping your stress response under control is a great way to manage cholesterol levels for the long term. Inna Topiler, MS, CNS: Stress will increase your cortisol levels. (Cortisol is a hormone produced by your adrenal glands when you are stressed.) Under stress, cortisol delivers glucose to the body to help the fight-or-flight mechanism function properly. If cortisol is consistently doing this, blood-sugar levels remain constantly high, which can lead to not only hypo/hyperglycemia and diabetes but also elevated cholesterol levels. Dr. Raja R. Gopaldas: In modern-day life, stress is inevitable. Job stress, getting to work, and taking care of the family all contribute to stress. How we manage stress is important. There is no doubt that a constant state of emotional stress is directly linked with high cholesterol levels. Being happy is a fundamental requirement for every human being - so avoid circumstances that make you unhappy! A daily meditation schedule of 15 to 20 minutes will help relieve stress, and 45 minutes of vigorous exercises (get your heart rate over 120) three times a week will help lower anxiety levels and stress. Ensuring that you get adequate sleep - about six to eight hours daily (no more or no less - both are detrimental) is important for everyone.