There are two other types of sleep apnea (central and complex) but they were not looked at in this study.

Study Proves Increased Risk for Gout, Both Short-Term and Long-Term

Overall, the risk of gout is greatest between one and two years after the diagnosis of OSA, with risk of onset of gout being more than 50 percent greater among those with sleep apnea compared with those without. But this new research shows that the risk remains long after that initial sleep apnea diagnosis. “This increased risk persisted over a longer period of time following sleep apnea diagnosis, those with sleep apnea having approximately 45 percent higher risk of gout compared with those without sleep apnea,” explains Milica Blagojevic-Bucknall, PhD, senior lecturer in statistics at the Arthritis Research UK Primary Care Centre in the Research Institute for Primary Care & Health Sciences at Keele University in the United Kingdom.

Gout Risk Higher in People With Normal Body Weight — But Why?

The results looked at people with normal body mass index (BMI) and those who were overweight or obese. Interestingly, the risk was higher in those with normal weight. But this is because severity of OSA plays an important part in interpretation of the findings. “Those with moderate or severe OSA are given CPAP (continuous positive airways pressure) therapy; they are likely to be those who are more obese than those with mild OSA, for whom weight loss, jaw advancement devices, and sleeping position are recommended first line of treatment, with CPAP therapy given only if these fail. This is perhaps the reason why those with lower BMI have a longer-term risk of gout, as CPAP is very effective and reverses OSA pathology, including improvements in hypertension. Since this risk was highest in people with normal BMI, people experiencing sleep apnea should be aware of the possibility of gout regardless of body mass index,” notes Dr. Blagojevic-Bucknall, adding “further research is needed to establish more firmly the relationship between CPAP and its impact on reduction of risk of gout.”

Neck and Waist Circumference Are Also Relevant in Sleep Apnea

It should further be noted that in some cases neck and waist circumference, rather than BMI, may be better correlates of sleep apnea as they take into account obesity distribution and are therefore associated with visceral obesity, which is associated with risk of OSA among others, Blagojevic-Bucknall points out.

What Is the Connection Between Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Gout?

The most likely mechanism to explain the association between OSA and gout is that intermittent hypoxia (oxygen deficiency) causes an overproduction of uric acid, which in turn can lead to gout. “This raises the question as to whether correction of hypoxia in sleep apnea by treatment with CPAP lowers serum uric acid levels. This could theoretically both reduce the risk of incident gout and treat existing gout,” according to Blagojevic-Bucknall. If you think you might have OSA or gout, seek help from a healthcare professional. Without proper treatment, both can lead to further damage.

Common Symptoms of Obstructive Sleep Apnea

OSA occurs when the tongue falls back and blocks the airway. Sleep apnea symptoms include the following:

Intense fatigue and difficulty concentrating during the dayLoud snoringShort periods of breathing cessation while sleeping, followed by waking up suddenly while gasping or chokingWaking up with a dry mouth, sore throat, or headacheDepression or irritabilityHigh blood pressureNighttime sweatsDecreased sex drive

Some of these you might not be aware of, so if you have a sleeping partner, ask her or him to observe.

The Diagnosing of Obstructive Sleep Apnea

After ruling out a blockage in your ear, nose, or throat, your physician will probably ask you to take an overnight sleep study, either in a clinic or at home. You will be attached to equipment that will monitor your heart, lung, and brain activity, as well as airflow, body movement, and blood oxygen levels while you sleep. Signs and symptoms of gout:

Attacks of severe pain in the affected jointPain continues at a lower level after attack endsJoint appears swollen and red, and is tender to the touchMovement of the joint becomes increasingly limited

Testing for Gout and Diagnosis of Gout

Your doctor may order the following tests:

Joint fluid test, dual energy CT scan, or ultrasound to look for the presence of urate crystalsBlood test to measure the levels of uric acid and creatinine in your bloodX-rays to eliminate other causes of joint inflammation