Drake has always been active, having played football and run track at Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama. After graduation — and after an MS diagnosis — he competed in the CrossFit games, won the Warrior Dash (one of the most grueling 5K mud run obstacle races on the planet), and represented Team USA on Netflix’s Ultimate Beastmaster, a sports entertainment competition in which elite athletes face an extreme obstacle course known as the Beast. And he’s not done yet. In addition to being a competitive athlete, Drake is a certified fitness instructor and is passionate about helping people transform their lives. You can follow him on social media @jamesbryandrake. Drake has been married to Heidi for 16 years, and they have four kids. Both Drake and Heidi have worked with Cru, a Christian nonprofit, for over 16 years. They love what it does to try to make the world a better place for everyone. David Lyons: When were you diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, and what were your symptoms? James Drake: In 2012, my wife and I sat in a doctor’s office at the Mayo Clinic, in Rochester, Minnesota, looking at each other and wondering what the future would hold for me. For months I had been losing feeling in my legs and feet. One physician referral to another had led us there in search of answers. The doctor had just told us that based on all my test results, he thought I had the first signs of multiple sclerosis. DL: Tell us about your MS mission. JD: After getting the news that you have a potentially debilitating autoimmune disorder, you begin to wonder what life is going to look like. Would I be able to hold my children? Would I be able to run alongside them as they learned to ride their bikes? Would I walk next to my wife, holding her hand, as we grew old together? Or would I be a burden to my children and wife? There were so many unknowns, so much uncertainty. After some time of wrestling with uncertainty, I came to realize that only God knows what the future holds. My family had a saying growing up that always stuck with me: “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and all we have is today, and it is a gift. That is why it’s called the present.” Once I accepted this reality, that each day was truly a gift and it was all I had, then I wanted to invest my time wisely. Years later, I am staying healthy and living life to the fullest. I hope my journey from sickness to health can help inspire others to overcome and keep pressing on (Philippians 3:14) too! RELATED: How Do You Deal With the Uncertainty of MS? Share It on Tippi! DL: What motivates you to exercise to help manage MS? JD: It’s been said that a “body in motion stays in motion.” I’ve read many encouraging articles that explain how working out helps fight many negative aspects of autoimmune diseases. For the sake of my family and calling, I am going to keep working out so that I can be the healthiest version of myself to do what God has put me on this earth to do. DL: What are your symptoms currently, and have they improved since starting a workout routine? JD: By God’s grace, I have regained feeling and strength in both of my legs! I have no doubt that working out has helped immensely, in addition to other wellness routines I have incorporated into my everyday life. DL: What is the biggest challenge in your workouts? JD: For me, it is not pushing myself too hard. There is a fine line between pain and injury. I try to embrace pain while avoiding injury. I have not always done this well as a competitive athlete. DL: How did you get started on an exercise program? JD: After getting diagnosed, I joined a local CrossFit gym. The community and support I received fueled my passion for fitness and competition. The next few years I competed at a very high level and became healthier than I had ever been before. DL: How do you stay motivated to continue exercising and staying fit? JD: For me, competition has helped me stay motivated and committed to working out. I am not as strong as I once was, but I have found other strengths and ways to compete that make working out fun and rewarding. DL: Are there times you want to quit or give up? JD: I was just telling my wife how hard it is to stay disciplined. As time goes by and I get older, I find myself wanting to relax more and avoid pain. So although I do not want to quit or give up, I do find myself not wanting to sacrifice so much for optimal health, and I must remind myself it is worth it! As a Christian, my faith calls me to live a disciplined life. Jesus said that if we are going to follow Him, then we must “deny” ourselves (Luke 9:23). I’m praying God gives me the strength and discipline I need to keep pressing on. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. DL: What is your current exercise routine? JD: During the week I do 20 or more minutes of cardio in the morning (swim, run, elliptical, bike, etc.). In the afternoon I do 20 minutes or more of high-intensity interval training workouts using callisthenic movements. On the weekend, I do active recovery such as stretching, Pilates, walking, or a leisurely bike ride. I believe a well-balanced diet and exercise routine are essential for long-term wellness. This is my normal, “off-season” fitness routine. When I have a competition coming up, I will start training six weeks ahead of it, six days a week, for at least two hours a day, developing the skills needed to win. DL: Have you altered your diet and nutrition regimen since being diagnosed with MS? JD: I eat primarily foods without a label (no processed food) between the hours of noon and 8 p.m., then I fast for 16 hours. During my eating window, I enjoy drinking sparkling spring water or green tea. I do not currently take any supplements besides a high-quality fish oil. I do juice turmeric and ginger each week and add that to my water during the day. I get at least an hour of direct sunlight each day. At night I drink around a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with tart cherry juice before going to bed. I believe this diet and nutrition regimen, along with reducing stress (through Bible meditation and prayer) and sleeping well (seven or more hours a night), has helped me to stay healthy. RELATED: Can Turmeric Help Manage Multiple Sclerosis? DL: How has working out changed your life and helped with your MS? JD: I am a better man, husband, and father because I have learned to love and take care of myself better by making working out a priority, so I can then love others better, too (Matthew 22:39)! DL: What fitness goals do you have for the future? JD: I would love to find some niche and become an Olympic or professional athlete at age 40! Right now, my 7-year-old son is teaching me how to overcome my fear of doing a backflip, and I’m working on holding my breath for more than three minutes for free diving. Kiteboarding is a new hobby I’ve recently picked up, too. I’m so grateful to have my health. I want to live every day to the fullest. DL: Do you have any advice for those who want to manage MS through fitness? JD: Storms in life are often followed by sunny days. Fitness and faith will help you weather the storms in life, so you can live life to the fullest, even with MS. So keep pressing on, and ask God to guide you (1 Timothy 4:8, Proverbs 3:5–6).