Researchers reviewed data from 19 previous studies with a total of more than one million participants, from eight different countries, who didn’t have type 2 diabetes. They looked at how often participants drank black, green, and oolong tea — less than one cup daily, one to three cups a day, and four or more cups. Over an average follow-up period of 10 years, the analysis found that people drinking at least four cups of tea daily were 17 percent less likely to develop type 2 diabetes than individuals who consumed little or no tea, according to preliminary results presented at the European Association for the Study of Diabetes annual meeting in Stockholm. Drinking one to three cups of tea was associated with a 4 percent lower risk of diabetes, the analysis also found. “Our results are exciting because they suggest that people can do something as simple as drinking four cups of tea a day to potentially lessen their risk of developing type 2 diabetes,” lead study author Xiaying Li from Wuhan University of Science and Technology in China said in a statement. But previous studies on tea consumption and type 2 diabetes risk have yielded mixed and inconclusive results. In fact, the authors of the new study conducted a separate analysis reported at the same medical meeting that found little benefit. For this analysis, researchers studied about 5,200 adults without any history of type 2 diabetes who were part of the China Health and Nutrition Study from 1997 to 2009. When people joined this study, they completed questionnaires on their eating and drinking habits as well as detailed medical and lifestyle information such as how much they smoked, drank, and exercised. Overall, 46 percent of participants reported drinking tea. By the end of the study, 10 percent of the participants developed type 2 diabetes. Once researchers accounted for several other factors known to increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, including advanced age and physical inactivity, they didn’t find a statistically significant connection between tea consumption and type 2 diabetes risk. The risk was roughly the same whether people drank tea or not. The results of this new research haven’t been published in a peer-reviewed medical journal. One limitation of the two new analyses is that they both relied on study participants to accurately recall and report on how much tea they consumed, making it possible that they provided inaccurate information. While people with diabetes are advised to avoid sweetened beverages — including sugary teas — unsweetened teas of all types are recommended for individuals with type 2 diabetes because these beverages contain little or no calories and carbohydrates, according to the American Diabetes Association (PDF). Maintaining a healthy body weight and limiting sugary drinks can also help people from developing type 2 diabetes.