In the study, RA onset was defined by the criteria of the 1987 ACR-EULAR classificaton system, a score-based algorithm for RA. “Using the 2010 criteria for RA may result in earlier recognition of RA cases but this requires a separate study,” says Elena Myasoedova, MD, PhD, the study’s primary author and a rheumatologist with Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. The study is the first to quantify the overall trends of functional disability (FD) in people living with RA, taking into consideration the patients’ ages and genders, the length of time that disabilities were reported, and the level of disease after diagnosis.

Most People With RA Experience Functional Disability

Another finding from the study is that most RA patients are affected by FD issues: The RA study participants continued to have a higher rate of FD even after diagnosis and treatment. “This was one of the intriguing findings of our study, prompting further research to investigate the reasons for this excess in functional disability,” says Dr. Myasoedova. The population-based study used data from the Rochester Epidemiology Project, a collaboration of clinics, hospitals, and other medical facilities in Minnesota and Wisconsin and involves community members who have agreed to share their medical records for research. Using this database of medical records, and examining questionnaires from 586 patients with rheumatoid arthritis and 531 people without the disease, the researchers found that FD in people with RA was more than twice that of the general population in most age groups.

Study Points to Importance of Early Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis

“We did not investigate whether this was due to the delay in diagnosis, but this can be indirectly implied. Earlier diagnosis and treatment would be expected to result in better functional outcomes. This is a subject for future study,” says Myasoedova. Knowing the critical importance of early intervention, Myasoedova recommends that physicians routinely screen for difficulties with performing the activities of daily living. “This would help guide the person’s physical and occupational therapy sooner rather than later,” she says.

Don’t Hesitate to Advocate for Yourself

If you find yourself struggling with ordinary activities, such as buttoning your shirt, tying shoes, or brushing teeth, bring this to your primary care provider’s attention. If RA diagnosis has not yet been established, your doctor can guide you to further evaluation and referral to a rheumatologist, if appropriate.

Beyond Joint Pain: Understand the Symptoms of RA 

If you suffer from any of these symptoms, alert your physician:

Pain, swelling, redness, warmth, or deformity or stiffness of the jointsMorning stiffness, which is particularly difficult after wakingDysfunction is symmetrical (if it affects the left knee, usually the right knee will be involved as well).Dysfunction usually occurs in more than just one type of joint.In addition to joint pain symptoms, you may also feel fatigue, have a low appetite, or run a low-grade fever.

Find a Rheumatologist Near You

A skilled rheumatologist (a specialist who treats rheumatoid arthritis and other rheumatic diseases), will be able to give the best and earliest diagnosis. You can find one in your area using these resources:

The American College of Rheumatology website has a physician locator.CreakyJoints lists online and local support groups, where you can find names and recommendations.The director of the training program at the nearest teaching hospital can also make recommendations.