Aside from getting the proper treatment and medication from a doctor, many people with ITP may wonder if there are any lifestyle measures they can take to help get their platelet count up. “I think we all wish there was one food you could eat or one thing you could do” to help ITP, says Ginger Hultin, RDN, owner of  ChampagneNutrition and author of Anti-Inflammatory Diet Meal Prep and How to Eat to Beat Disease Cookbook. “But the fact of the matter is, what we’re trying to do is support the body’s natural ability to create the type of cells that it needs.” Hultin notes that for people who have ITP, probably the most important aspect of eating is getting enough calories and protein to support your body’s normal functions and a consistent energy level. “This is a population that I really think should be eating on a regular basis,” she urges. “So breakfast, lunch, dinner, and probably a snack or two in between.” While it can be frustrating that there isn’t a dietary magic bullet for ITP, “diet does matter, and there are things you can do,” Hultin says. Beyond the foundation of eating enough and eating regularly, Hultin says, there are specific nutrients found in foods that may help support platelet production or clotting, as well as things you should avoid. Start with this list of foods and beverages to consider including or limiting in your diet.

1. Eat: Fresh Fruit and Vegetables

One nutrient that may support platelet production and function is folate. “That’s actually really easy to get as long as you’re eating fruit and vegetables,” explains Hultin, especially if you’re eating leafy green vegetables. But nearly all fruit and vegetables, Hultin says, contain a variety of nutrients that can help your blood function.

2. Avoid: Concentrated Foods That May Interfere With Clotting

Certain foods, including red grapes, blueberries, garlic, onions, and ginger, may interfere with clotting when consumed in large quantities. But in most cases, small amounts of these foods in your diet shouldn’t be a problem, says Hultin. “If you have low platelets and you eat a little bit of garlic in food, I’d be surprised if that would drastically thin your blood,” Hultin notes. “Where I’d be more worried is a supplemental form, or if you’re using lots of garlic powder. That’s more concentrated than a garlic clove.” When in doubt, Hultin says, talk to your doctor about any foods you should be avoiding. What’s more, Hultin says, these foods can help you consume enough calories and provide an antidote to the fatigue many people who have ITP experience. “With fatigue, people need to focus on getting enough calories,” she emphasizes. “You’re not going to feel energized if you don’t get enough calories.”

4. Avoid: Foods High in Saturated or Trans Fat

While avoiding unhealthy forms of fat is good advice for most people, this precaution may be even more important for people who have ITP because of the long-term corticosteroids sometimes prescribed for the condition, Hultin notes. People who receive corticosteroid treatment “could be at an increased risk for high blood pressure, so looking at heart-healthy foods” is recommended, she says. Saturated fat can be found in meat and high-fat dairy products, while trans fats are found in processed foods that contain the word “hydrogenated” before a type of oil in the ingredients list.

5. Eat: Lean Sources of Protein

Including protein in your diet not only provides the critical building blocks for many processes in your body, but can also help ensure that you avoid spikes and dips in your energy level throughout the day. Quality sources of lean protein to include in your diet are poultry, fish, beans and lentils, nuts and seeds, and soy products. Meat provides an easily absorbed form of iron, although Hultin notes that you can get enough iron in your diet from other sources, including plants. Plus, “one of the biggest challenges with red meat, from a health standpoint, is saturated fat,” she says.

6. Avoid: Fatty or Processed Meats

Not only do fatty or processed forms of meat provide potentially unhealthy levels of saturated fat, they also contain less protein and are often high in sodium. Too much saturated fat and salt, Hultin notes, can be a concern for your heart health. So be sure to stay away from things like bacon, sausage, and deli meats.

7. Eat: Whole grains

Whole grains are an important source of complex carbohydrates, which form the basis of a balanced diet along with healthy fat and lean protein, says Hultin. Some options include oats, whole-wheat bread and pasta, quinoa, and other grains. These foods are also often a good source of B vitamins.

8. Avoid: Refined Grains and Added Sugars

While it’s probably not realistic to avoid all refined grains and processed foods, these types of carbohydrates tend to be absorbed more quickly and don’t contain the nutrients found in their whole-grain counterparts. Added sugars are especially important to limit, says Hultin, to ensure that your blood sugar and energy levels remain stable. “Added sugars often come with other refined carbohydrates, so if you’re avoiding that, you often get a two-for-one” benefit, she adds.

9. Drink: Water and Other Fluids

Hydration is an important part of overall health and nutrition that is often overlooked, says Hultin. Consuming enough water can help you fight fatigue and may also help improve digestion. While beverages other than water can help you stay hydrated, it’s important to make sure you’re not consuming added sugars in large amounts. Herbal teas and flavored water may be good options if regular water doesn’t excite you.

10. Avoid: Alcoholic Beverages

Alcohol has well-established anticoagulant properties and should be consumed with caution if you have ITP, says Hultin. Whether you need to avoid alcohol entirely “really depends on an individual’s counts, and where they are with their treatment,” Hultin notes. “Some people won’t be able to drink much, if at all. And they definitely need to be talking to their doctor about that.”

11. Maybe Eat: Dairy Products

While some people with ITP choose to avoid dairy entirely, dairy products offer a variety of nutritional benefits, according to Hultin. Dairy is “a good source of calories and protein, it’s a natural source of B12, and it’s a bone builder — there’s phosphorus and calcium.” But if you’re eating dairy products that are high in saturated fat or sodium, “you might need to look at the way you’re eating dairy,” says Hultin, who generally recommends low-fat dairy products.

12. Maybe Avoid: Coffee

Coffee “can be a mild anticoagulant, because it has really potent antioxidants,” says Hultin. “With coffee, I would suggest that each individual work with their doctor and say, ‘How much can I have, if any?’” The caffeine in coffee may be helpful, Hultin admits, to combat occasional bouts of fatigue. But if you find yourself needing caffeine often to stay energized, “go back a little bit and make sure that you’re hitting the basics: getting enough calories, protein, and fat; getting enough water; and eating on a regular schedule,” she recommends. Additional reporting by Ashley Welch