With the respiratory illness spreading from China to at least 125 other countries and territories, the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the outbreak a pandemic. On Wednesday, March 11, President Trump ratcheted up travel concerns when he ordered that travel from Europe be suspended for at least 30 days, according to ABC News. Anthony Fauci, MD, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), has also encouraged U.S. citizens to limit travel plans. On NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday, March 8, he warned the elderly and those with underlying conditions to avoid traveling by air and, especially, taking a cruise. Fears of the virus are hitting the travel industry hard. This week the International Air Transport Association projected possible global revenue losses from the passenger business of up to $113 billion. Although the number of COVID-19 cases is growing, Jennifer Horney, PhD, professor of epidemiology and core faculty with the Disaster Research Center at the University of Delaware in Newark, encourages people to proceed cautiously but not to overreact. “Overall, travelers should consider their personal susceptibility and that of their family and other close contacts,” she says. “Nonessential travel to areas of the United States where there are active outbreaks or where public health emergencies have been declared is currently being discouraged by the CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] and other public health authorities. Proactive cancellations of large meetings and changes in employer policies related to travel are likely effectively limiting travel to these locations at this time.” RELATED: Expert Tips on the Coronavirus Crisis: Be Prepared, Don’t Panic The CDC also has a Warning Level 2 list of areas where high-risk travelers should take special precautions. As of now the agency recommends that older adults and people with chronic medical conditions consider postponing nonessential travel to Japan.

Be Ready for Unexpected Quarantine

Because the situation is rapidly evolving, travelers may want to regularly check the CDC site to see if these lists of locations have expanded, according to Casselano. No matter where individuals travel, she urges everyone to make plans with the possibility of an outbreak in mind. “A lot can happen in a matter of days,” she says. “If you are traveling out of the country or even stateside, you need to be prepared for the chance that you could be quarantined either in the place you’re traveling to or back home.” Recently, more than 2,000 passengers were quarantined aboard the Grand Princess cruise ship off the coast of San Francisco so they could be tested for possible coronavirus infection, according to an article published March 5, 2020, in The New York Times. “We recommend that you take extra medication in the event your trip gets extended,” says Casselano. “Plus, make sure you have antibacterial wipes and hand sanitizer.” Dr. Horney encourages travelers to have a contingency strategy: “If there is an outbreak, could you go to a different location?” she says. “What if you become sick while traveling and needed to be isolated away from home — do you have plans in place for tele-work, pets, and other obligations?”

Consider Your Own Health Status

As Dr. Fauci suggests, if you’re an older adult or you’re already sick or have a chronic illness, you may want to reevaluate plans for any long journey. The CDC underscores that these populations are at greater risk for more serious complications from coronavirus. “Also consider the healthcare system in the country where you are traveling,” says Horney. “Would basic resources be available there, such as testing and treatment?”

Look Into Insurance and Flexible Policies

Erika Richter, director of communications for the American Society of Travel Advisors, notes that the health crisis has spurred more interest in travel insurance. “You have to look at policies and find one that works best for you, but many travelers are looking into cancel-for-any-reason [CFAR] insurance because of this emergency,” she says. But a lot of policies may not cover a change in trip plans due to epidemic, warns Casselano. Horney instructs consumers to check their policies to determine the level of coverage they’re getting for potential medical treatment away from home or for a medical evacuation should one be necessary. To accommodate customer changes due to coronavirus fears, travel-related businesses may be offering more flexible policies. “We’ve seen airlines put these policies into effect for people who are booking right now,” Casselano says. MarketWatch reports that Alaska Airlines, Delta, United, and other airlines are waiving flight change fees because of the outbreak. Hotels may be following suit. (Consumer Reports offers some tips on buying travel insurance.) RELATED: 4 Misconceptions About the Coronavirus

Prepare Yourself for When You Come Back

With students visiting various locations on spring break, many educational institutions are taking their own precautions for when students return. At Virginia Tech, where spring vacation began on March 7, the school is barring students, faculty, and staff who’ve visited a CDC Warning Level 2 or 3 travel-notice area from returning to campus until they can demonstrate that they show no symptoms associated with COVID-19 — cough, fever, shortness of breath — for a period of 14 days from the date of reentering the United States. Other individuals may want to follow Virginia Tech’s lead and self-quarantine for a two-week period if they are showing coronavirus symptoms. For now, availability of test kits is limited, so only people with symptoms that meet the case definition of the disease may be able to be tested, according to the CDC. “If the ‘worried well’ seek healthcare services that are unnecessary, this can severely impact the ability of the healthcare system to provide critical services to those who need them,” says Horney. “There is no need for asymptomatic people to be tested at this time.” Overall, Richter calls for people to remain calm. “Fear is contagious,” she warns. “Always pack your common sense.”