Dark Chocolate

Usually, dessert isn’t a good choice when you’re stressed, but dark chocolate may be an exception. This treat could help reduce stress in two ways — via its chemical impact and its emotional impact. Chocolate feels like such an indulgence that it can be a real treat to simply savor a piece of it, and that feeling alone can help reduce stress, says Meyerowitz. Dark chocolate, which is also rich in antioxidants, can also lower levels of stress hormones in the body, according to a Swiss study published in theJournal of Proteome Research in which participants had eaten about 1.5 ounces (oz) of the treat per day for two weeks. Just be sure to avoid excess calories in your diet by not overindulging in chocolate, advises Meyerowitz. Keep serving size in mind with dark chocolate, as the calories can add up quickly. Stick to a 1-oz serving or less of at least 60 percent cacao dark chocolate daily.

Whole-Grain Carbohydrates

Low-carb keto diet followers, take note: The right carbs can act as stress busters! According to MIT, carbohydrates can increase levels of serotonin, a chemical in the body that helps boost mood and reduce stress. More serotonin means more concentration and a more productive workday. But picking the right carbs is critical. Refined carbs — such as chips, cookies, and crackers — are tied to inflammation, stress, and depression, according to a May 2010 study in Psychosomatic Medicine. These carbs may also raise your blood pressure, straining your heart health, suggests a 2016 review in Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases, and lead you to overeat later in the day, other research suggests. Complex carbs, on the other hand, can do wonders for your stress levels because they digest more slowly and keep blood sugar levels more even, according to Harvard Medical School. Sources of complex carbs include sweet potatoes and whole grains (such as whole-grain bread, quinoa, brown rice, and steel-cut or old-fashioned oats).


For a quick pick-me-up, skip Starbucks and reach for a banana instead. The yellow, potassium-rich fruit contains the mood-boosting chemical dopamine, along with magnesium, levels of which plummet during stressful times. A preliminary study published in Neuropharmacology also found that magnesium deficiency increased depression and anxiety symptoms in mice. Bananas are furthermore a rich source of certain B vitamins, such as vitamin B6, which helps the nervous system run correctly, and can decrease stress and fatigue, according to a July 2010 study in Psychopharmacology that looked at the use of high-dose B-complex vitamins. An added perk: The potassium bananas offer can help lower high blood pressure, according to Harvard Medical School.

Fatty Fish

Stress can tax the heart, but noshing on fatty fish can help strengthen your ticker and boost your mood, to boot. Heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids in whole fish like tuna, halibut, salmon, and sardines may help ease depression, suggests a September 2015 review in Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health. Lowering overall stress and anxiety is another possible benefit, according to a study in the August 2015 Clinical Psychopharmacology and Neuroscience.


Looking for a quick and simple way to ease stress? Fill your cup with water and sip away! The importance of hydration during stressful times is well-documented. Even mild dehydration can increase cortisol levels, which contributes to increased stress, as described in a study in Journal of Sports Sciences. While drinking enough water will not make your stressors vanish, taking this step will help set your body up to handle stress when it does occur. According to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, the average woman needs about 2.7 liters of water per day, while the average man needs about 3.7. (About 80 percent of that hydration should come from beverages, whereas the remaining 20 percent can come from food.)


Your mom might’ve been onto something when she made you drink all your milk at the dinner table. Turns out, calcium might not only strengthen your skeleton — it could also brighten your mood. A December 2012 study in Nutrition Research and Practice found that Korean women who consumed the least calcium reporting feeling the most depressed. Milk and other dairy with calcium and added vitamin D can help muscles relax and stabilize mood; a January 2017 study in Obstetrics & Gynecology Science suggests these nutrients may even ease symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, which we ladies know can definitely crank up the stress!


Nuts are a boon to your health in more ways than one. First, they’re satiating, meaning they can help ward off unhealthy cravings. Second, they could help lower blood pressure, according to a July 2012 study in Hypertension, which focused on pistachios. And third, Meyerowitz says, their B vitamins have been shown to help lower stress levels. Just remember to reach for only a small handful, as nuts are calorie dense and can lead to weight gain if you eat too many.

Oranges and Other Vitamin C–Rich Fruits

Vitamin C will not only ward off scurvy — the nutrient can also keep stress at bay. One small randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study published in Psychopharmacology found that when people took 3,000 milligrams (mg) of vitamin C in a slow-release formula each day, their cortisol levels, and overall stress, decreased. Eating citrus fruits, including oranges, grapefruit, and strawberries, is a good start, but you would need a supplement to reach such high levels of these nutrients. Speak with your doctor before adding vitamin C supplements to your diet.


Guac out to your heart’s content. Avocados are packed with healthy monounsaturated fats, vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium, and fiber, making for a perfect stress-fighting snack. As mentioned, vitamins C and B6 can help reduce stress, and the fruit’s potassium may help lower blood pressure. Not to mention, the healthy fat and fiber in avocados can help contribute to satiety, discouraging you from unhealthy snacking when you’re stressed, suggests an April 2017 study in The FASEB Journal.

Leafy Greens

You might think desk salads are boring, but for lowering stress, they may be one of the best choices you can make at lunchtime. Leafy-green vegetables, such as spinach and kale, as well as other raw fruits and veggies, are stress-busting powerhouses, as described in an April 2018 study in Frontiers in Psychology. As a rich source of magnesium, leafy greens can help regulate cortisol and blood pressure levels. Plus, green leafy veggies contain folate, which plays a key role in the production of the feel-good chemical dopamine.


Your cup of Joe could support or sabotage your stress levels. It comes down to volume and timing. “There’s nothing wrong with a couple of cups of a caffeinated beverage earlier in the day, but skip it after noon, as it can interfere with sleep,” says Evelyn Tribole, RD, co-author of Intuitive Eating and a private-practice dietitian in Newport Beach, California. Beverages such as caffeinated coffee or tea can help improve mental focus when taken in small amounts, but drinking too much may have unintended effects. “Too much caffeine can make you feel anxious, jittery, and more stressed than you actually are,” adds Molly Kellogg, LCSW, CEDRD, a psychotherapist and dietitian in Philadelphia.


Be mindful of your alcohol intake, as it could similarly help or hurt your stress levels. “If someone has any tendency to overdo it, alcohol is a bad idea,” says Kellogg. When stress is an ongoing issue and someone continues to turn to alcohol to calm their nerves, it can actually contribute to a feeling of depression and make stress more difficult to manage in the long term. Clearview Treatment Programs notes it’s better to abstain from alcohol if you’re feeling depressed or think you lean on it too much. It’s also important to note that alcohol can be a major contributor to many chronic health conditions. In fact, an August 2018 study in The Lancet found that drinking alcohol is one of the leading causes of death and disability worldwide.

Refined Sugar

“Avoid taming stress with sugar,” advises Miller. Refined sugar, which is the kind in cookies, cakes, and candy, causes blood sugar to soar and then quickly drop (often described as a “crash”). This is the opposite of what you need when your stress levels are high and your energy levels are low. A study published in July 2017 in Scientific Reports found that increased intake of refined sugar may also raise the risk of depression. Lunch: Veggie and hummus wrap Snack: Guacamole with multigrain tortilla chips Dinner: Baked trout with tomatoes and mushrooms over brown rice Dessert: Dark-chocolate-covered strawberries

Day 9

Breakfast: Chia pudding with cocoa powder and walnuts Lunch: Bunless veggie burger on a bed of spinach Snack: Whole-grain toast with ricotta and raspberries Dinner: Steak fajita bowl Dessert: Melon with plain nonfat yogurt

Day 10

Breakfast: Steel-cut oatmeal with apples and cinnamon Lunch: Spinach salad topped with solid white albacore tuna in water Snack: A glass of milk Dinner: Butternut squash soup Dessert: A cup of chamomile tea

Day 11

Breakfast: French toast with whole-wheat bread and warm berries Lunch: Grilled cheese on whole-grain bread with tomato soup Snack: A banana with peanut butter Dinner: Chicken with roasted potatoes and veggies Dessert: Poached pear

Day 12

Breakfast: Trail mix and a cup of tea Lunch: Kale chicken Caesar salad Snack: Almonds Dinner: Grilled salmon with asparagus with brown rice Dessert: Dark-chocolate-covered banana

Day 13

Breakfast: Small bran muffin and nonfat yogurt Lunch: Minestrone soup Snack: Hard-boiled egg Dinner: White bean and spinach quesadilla on a whole-wheat tortilla Dessert: Strawberry shortcake

Day 14

Breakfast: Whole-wheat toast with nut butter and banana slices Lunch: Mason jar salad Snack: Red pepper sticks with hummus Dinner: Veggie chili Dessert: Warm, unsweetened applesauce Here are some other tricks for coping with stress:

Prioritize Self-Care

When we’re stressed, we tend to put our own needs last on our to-do list. It’s not uncommon for people to skip meals or miss out on other important aspects of self-care. Instead, try taking a minute to step back and figure out what you need. Tribole advises shifting your perspective:“What would you do for your dog?” she says. We always make sure that our pets are well cared for — that they eat on time and have everything they need to be comfortable, so why not do ourselves the same favor?

Delegate or Let Go

Stress tends to come alongside a very long list of tasks we feel obligated to complete. Take a look at your list and ask yourself, “Can it wait or can I delegate?” says Tribole. Instead of feeling overwhelmed by everything you have to accomplish by the end of the day, Kellogg recommends thinking about what you can do less of today. Whether it’s mindless scrolling on Instagram or staying up late to binge-watch Netflix, we all have nonessential, potentially stressful activities that we can cut back on.

Exercise Regularly

Fitness is typically one of the first things to go when we’re stressed. That’s a shame, as exercise can help reduce stress and promote sleep. In fact, according to the National Sleep Foundation, even one bout of moderately intense exercise helped people with chronic insomnia fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer the night of the day they exercised. (Chronic insomnia means someone has trouble sleeping at least three nights per week for at least one month, whereas acute insomnia involves sleep troubles that are less frequent over a shorter period of time.) These two facts make exercise crucial during busy periods of life. “Exercise that is moderate but consistent is shown to be helpful in coping with stress and not letting the stress hormones get out of hand,” says Kellogg. According to the Harvard School of Medicine, when you exercise, the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline decrease, while endorphins, which act as natural painkillers and mood boosters, are simultaneously released. This results in natural stress reduction. Kellogg also recommends finding a way to integrate exercise into your day rather than thinking of it as another thing you’re adding to your schedule. For example, instead of worrying about fitting in 30 minutes or more of exercise each day, Tribole recommends doing what you can, when you can.“Go for a 10-minute walk or stand or switch positions every 60 to 90 minutes. Stand when talking on the phone instead of sitting,” says Tribole. “These small changes can really add up!”

Find Your Breath

Literally! “Rapid heart rate and shortness of breath are two of the most common physiological responses to anxiety. Interestingly enough, breath is one of the most powerful ways to control the autonomic nervous system,” says Miller. Take the time to take a deep breath during a moment of stress or find one minute to sit quietly and focus on your breathing. Either way, you’ll be giving your body what it really needs.

Lean on Friends and Family

“The support provided by close personal relationships is really key,” says Dr. Kiecolt-Glaser.” The problem is that we tend to isolate ourselves and limit time with others when stressed — and this response tends to compound stress.” A June 2017 study published in Computers in Human Behavior found that in-person support helped people cope better during times of stress — and text messages didn’t have the same effect. Being aware of the tendency to pull away from others when stressed is a good first step, but breaking the pattern can be difficult. Try telling those around you that you need their support. They may be able to spot your stress earlier than you do and jump in to help before you even know you need it.