Whether you visit the bathroom three times a day or three times a week, the symptoms of constipation are usually the same for everyone. If you aren’t having as many bowel movements as you normally do, or if your stool is hard, dry, or painful, you’re probably experiencing a bout of constipation, per the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK). Constipation is quite common, with about four million people in the United States experiencing frequent bouts, Johns Hopkins Medicine reports. Fortunately, the condition is rarely a sign of serious disease, and it usually can be cleared up without drastic measures (or zany TikTok trends). In fact, there are several known home remedies for constipation that can alleviate the discomfort. If you experience abdominal pain, bloody stool, or unexpected weight loss along with your constipation, bring it to a doctor’s attention. But for run-of-the-mill constipation bouts, these nondrug remedies will probably do the trick.

1. Add More Fiber to Your Diet

One of the best-known home remedies for constipation is fiber. It bulks the stool and helps move it through the intestines more quickly, per the Mayo Clinic. According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, the recommended dose of fiber per day is about 25 grams (g) for women and 38 g for men, or 14 g per 1,000 calories. Good sources of fiber include fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Fiber is a convenient constipation remedy because most people already have these items in their fridge or pantry. Fiber supplements such as psyllium (Metamucil) or methylcellulose (Citrucel) can be used as well. When increasing your fiber intake, it’s best to start slowly, because too much fiber too quickly can lead to gas and bloating, the Mayo Clinic notes. Fiber can also make constipation worse if you don’t drink plenty of water with it. For the fiber to help alleviate constipation, it needs fluids to move it through the digestive system, per the Cleveland Clinic. Fiber derived from supplements especially must be taken with water in order to avoid making constipation worse.

2. Drink Plenty of Water

Proper hydration is important for overall health. It ensures your body functions properly and also helps keep you regular. If you’re constipated, drink plenty of water, particularly warm or hot water, to trigger a bowel movement, the Cleveland Clinic recommends. When it comes to water intake, the U.S. National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine recommends that women drink 9 cups of water per day, while men should drink 13. One cup equals eight fluid ounces. But don’t worry about counting cups or ounces: Just drink fluids continually throughout the day. Even brief dehydration can lead to constipation.

3. Get Moving With Exercise

If you haven’t had a bowel movement in a few days and are feeling sluggish, avoid the urge to collapse onto the couch. The colon responds to activity, and exercise can stimulate the bowels, reports Harvard Health Publishing. There’s no need to overexert yourself by running a marathon or taking an intense Spin class if you don’t feel up to it. As Cleveland Clinic notes, a simple walk outside can be enough to get your GI tract back in motion.

4. Try Herbal Therapy

Herbs are one of the oldest constipation treatments. Numerous cultures around the world have used herbs to cure constipation for thousands of years. These tried-and-true remedies are generally divided into two categories: bulk-forming and stimulant laxatives. According to a research review, bulk-forming psyllium, derived from a wide-ranging plant, can be bought in powder or supplement form, and has been shown to increase stool frequency and improve stool consistency. The same review describes stimulant herbs for constipation such as senna, Cascara segrada, and aloe, which have all been shown to stimulate the bowels in clinical trials. Note that stimulant laxatives should be taken only for acute constipation on the advice of a health professional. One reason to think twice before using herbs for constipation is that stimulant laxative herbs, particularly aloe, can cause cramping, per the Mayo Clinic. Along with side effects, herbal therapies for constipation may interact with medications and supplements. Always speak with a qualified healthcare practitioner before taking any herbs.